Trust is non-political & non-religious charitable trust engaged/working in the field of Education, Health, Social Welfare, Community Development, Women Empowerment, Sanitation, Environment, etc.

·         No discrimination on caste, colour, creed, religion or gender.

·         Promotes moral values, peace, harmony, health, education, patriotism, national integration, social upliftment, respect humanity, care of orphans, care of old age & widows & needy.

·         Emphasize on healthcare & education

o   Drugless healing

o   Nature cure

o   Teaching on proper sanitation, cleanliness, family planning, judicious use of water

o   Teaching on moral upliftment, peace, social harmony, community development

·         Does not burden Society resources with fixed monthly expenditures or staff salaries

o   Use help of Associates in network to conduct events, distribute items, generate funds, health check-up camps

·         To take up various issues including smoking, drinking, tobacco & allied products, health & family planning, population & its control measures, plantations for green cover, etc.

·         To enlighten real issues like unemployment, poverty, malnourishment and lack of health & educational opportunities.

The funds collected as donations may be spent/contributed/gifted/donated/utilised, directly or indirectly, wither by itself and/or through other for the above stated objects/purposes.


·         Distribution of clothes, blankets, etc

·         Distribution of food & related material

·         Distribution of cooking utensils

·         Conduct & manage Health Camps on diabetes, eyes, dental, etc

·         Distribution of medicines, prescription glasses, etc

·         Promote and donate funds for social harmony events

·         Distribution of personal hygiene, healthcare & family planning items

·         Manage & contribute funds for plantations